Bernet Pars Bitumen

Viscosity Grade 30

Min. Order
100 Tons
Production Date
01 Mar 2023
Payment Method
Construction Of Ultra-Heavy Bitumen Sidewalks That Must Withstand Significant Traffic Loads, Road Construction, Insulation, Construction, Production Of Liquid Bitumen, For Temperate Climates, Use Instead Of 60/70 Penetration Bitumen
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Product Specifications

Test Method
Absolute Viscosity at 60°C (poises)
2400 min
IS 1206
Kinematic Viscosity at 135 ⁰C (CST)
350 min
IS 1206
Flashpoint (°C)
220 min
IS 1209
Solubility In Trichloroethylene (%)
99 min
IS 1206
Softening point (°C)
47 min
IS 1205
Penetration at 25°C (mm/10)
IS 1203
Testson residue from thin film over tests/RTFOT
Viscosity ratio at 60°C
4 max
IS 1206
Ductility at 25°C (cm)
40 min
IS 1208
Specific Gravity at 27/27°C
0.99 min
IS 1202
Bernet Pars Bitumen

Bernet Pars Bitumen specializes in technical use and has far passed the traditional methods of bitumen production. We ensure consistent product quality by use of approved feedstock, tight control of manufacturing conditions, and extensive product testing. We are a research based company with great chemical and bitumen knowledge. We have successfully engineered a 17 acer plant exclusive to produce modified bitumen using Crumb Rubber and Polymers. A wide range of base bitumen binders meeting industry specifications are available through our far-reaching manufacturing and supply network. After extensive research and development, our highly facilitated refinery mass produces various types of conventional, modified and cutback bitumen.

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