Petro Ghir Azhand

Viscosity Grade 10

Min. Order
100 Tons
Production Date
20 Jun 2022
Payment Method
Spraying in places such as surface coatings, paving roads instead of the old 80/100 permeability grade, to produce bitumen emulsions and modified bitumen products
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Product Specifications

Test Method
Absolute Viscosity at 60°C (poises)
800 min
IS 1206
Kinematic Viscosity at 135 ⁰C (CST)
250 min
IS 1206
Flashpoint (°C)
220 min
IS 1209
Solubility In Trichloroethylene (%)
99 min
IS 1206
Softening point (°C)
40 min
IS 1205
Penetration at 25°C (mm/10)
IS 1203
Testson residue from thin film over tests/RTFOT
Viscosity ratio at 60°C
4 max
IS 1206
Ductility at 25°C (cm)
75 min
IS 1208
Specific Gravity at 27/27°C
0.99 min
IS 1202
Petro Ghir Azhand

Petro Ghir Azhand the Iranian petroleum products factory with the state-of-the-art equipped machinery and the laboratory. Thanks to the global facility we have , we are covering the market from south east asia to the Africa which caused our company to be in between top companies in terms of exporting high quality products. We Promote sustainable collaboration with external parties to bring in fast-paced energy solutions. our entity always experiencing the very fast movement technology for outcoming matters and the always changes. To ensure that there is quality inside where PGA is on the outside, our products and processes are continuously checked and are distinguished with the corresponding quality and safety features. An example of this is quality management at PGA, which is certified in accordance with : QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE (ISO 9001) ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE ( ISO 14001) LAB QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ( ISO 17025)

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